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Yes, You Can Use Non-Web-Safe Fonts

How to Use Non-web-safe Fonts in your Website Design

Have you ever wanted to use a fancy font in your design, only to realize that it is a non-web safe font? Ever wish you could add a modern funky typeface to add some coolness to your web design?

Well I suppose you could take a chance and use them, but who's to say your users are going to have that font on their computer. If they don't, your website may not look as cool as you thought as your font will be substituted for another font.

I suppose you could turn your font into a graphic, but that not too cool for the search engine or the size of your page.

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Avoid Some Website Design Flaws

Website Design to Engage Your Visitor

Haven't got a website for your business yet? Well, before you rush into setting up a website, here are a few pointers to take into consideration. First and foremost, do some market research to help you ensure that your site is compatible with the needs of your target audience, e.g.use larger fonts if your target market is older folk, or design for mobile technology such as for tablets and smart phones if your audience is tech savvy and/or younger market.

Don't overfill your site with information, in this case less is more. Too much information, products, promotions, specials will serve only to confuse and even alienate your intended audience.

Most visitors to your site already know what they want out of it, you have three seconds to capture their attention on the first page, failing this, you may have to go back and redesign the site with this in mind. It's always a good idea to  have a call to action on the front page, it should be clear and understandable to even the UN-initiated visitor.

Remember you can have the most beautiful design with great functionality, but if the content is old and stale, you will turn potential clients away. Think about writing some articles about your business, products or services or maybe start a blog or a weekly voting poll that offer fresh up-to-date content to keep visitors engaged.

Google Search Tips

Improve Your Google Search Results

Have you ever searched in Google for something specific, only to be overwhelmed by the amount of results you get, and after going through 100's of pages, not finding anything your looking for?

Searching for something specific doesn't always yeild the results you might want, but I'm happy to say, there are a few things you can do to decrease the number of pages, as well as narrow down the results of a specific keyword.

I'm always searching the Internet for something, and most of the time use Google to help me, my results are normally quite good.

I want to share with you some of the tips I have learned to better my search results, hopefully, you will find them useful, and help you narrow down the many pages delivered by Google.

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Mailbox Size Warning (full)

How to Delete Email From The Email Server

When you start your email program and click “Send/Receive, your email program asks the server to deliver any new mail. Your email program then downloads the new messages to your PC, but doesn’t always delete the messages on the server. You can control the action of your email program by telling it to delete the messages after they have been downloaded, or tell it to keep a copy of the messages for a period of time.

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